Brett leaves fourteen days from today. It feels like we've been waiting forever. Tomorrow is his last day working at Price Chopper. Saturday is the Glenville Ward temple trip and we're all going. It will be one of the last things we do as a family. I keep hoping we've done all we need to to be ready, or that if we haven't we'll remember in time to do them. On Friday, May 9th Ray and Robin Brooksby are coming. That night Brett is speaking at the Aaronic Priesthood campout. The next evening we are having an openhouse for Brett. The next day (which is Mother's Day) Brett speaks in sacrament meeting. Monday, May 11th we'll have our last FHE together. Tuesday we're all going to Evan and Suzanne's house to celebrate Stacy's adoption. Wednesday Lauren has a concert and Brett gets set apart. Thursday Brett leaves. WOW! We're at the point in time where there seems to be something each day. We're excited and I know he's ready!

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