Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Transfers are coming up!

We got an e-mail from Brett today. He said that in his interview with President Ogden he got asked where he wanted to go. He said that he told President Ogden that he would like to serve in a big city. Then President Ogden asked Brett if there was anything else that he wanted, and Brett said: "My whole mission I've always wanted to have a picture of the sign for the town of Brooksby out in Melton Mowbry near Liecester. And President Ogden said well Elder Brooksby do you have a camera? I said yes, he then said, well you never know, you could be serving in Liecester next transfer." So Brett is pretty sure he's going to be transferred this next transfer. And who knows, maybe he'll get to see the town of Brooksby after all.

Brett also said that one of his converts is engaged to be married in the temple this coming August. That made him really happy. He hinted that he'd love to attend the wedding - but that would mean a trip back, and a lot of $$$$.

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