Greeting from Merthyr Tydfil! Again another glorious day!

Ummm hmmm I think today we are going to play a little bit of rugby and maybe some Frisbee as well have a District P-day! We have the Ebbw Vale Elders - Elder Davis and Elder Hooper, and then the Beacon Heights Sisters - Sister Winn and Sister Morris, and then me and Elder Forbes ;)

Well, I dare say that we travel a lot. What with going to Zone Conference and interviews! And being the DL's companion, I have to go on a lot of exchanges on the X4 bus to Ebbw Vale.

Well, I dare say that we travel a lot. What with going to Zone Conference and interviews! And being the DL's companion, I have to go on a lot of exchanges on the X4 bus to Ebbw Vale.
Well what else - next week we are having a baptism on Friday the 21st of August. So I'm really excited for that! Also we are going to be having another one soon that was just sorta handed to us!
Hmmm, not too much else is new! Our summer is now over and it’s getting darker at night and the weather is getting colder. And then in September the leaves will fall off in one go, and then - well it rains and is cold!.....

Well I love you and I'm glad you’re all well! Tell the family I say hello and I love and miss them!
Love Elder Brooksby!