Okay so here we go. SO… Today we are heading into town and we are going to be going shopping there and so I think with some of the sales I've heard about from JJB. I was looking at getting Jared an early Christmas present. That way he'd have some time to sport what I'm getting him, or maybe just dress up like it for Halloween. But yea, I'm buying Christmas presents now and I'll wait till the end of the month to send them though.
Hmm what else – ohhh, we were able to help bring two more souls into the fold this last weekend. That is always an exciting thing to be able to participate in. It was a mother and her eight year-old son. So it was really good.
Church was also great. And we have also had I think like 3 or 4 members willing to come out with us teaching. And this time being here I think there has not been one prayer where someone hasn't at some point mentioned how they are thankful for the missionaries here and the efforts that are being put forth to help strengthen the branch and help the church grow! It’s really awesome - they all love missionary work!
What else, hmmmm ohhhh I've been doing some hardcore off-roading here in Wolverhampton. And I have been getting really, really muddy. And my trousers - ohhhh they are really bad as well! Luckily I have two pairs of trousers so one pair stays nice and the other pair is for everything else. I think the way I can solve some of the problem is by upgrading the pair of mudguards I have on my bike. That way there would be a considerably less percentage of splatter on my trousers. But I still love off-roading. It’s probably the best part of my day just going through all sorts of dirt and mud!!! It makes me proud to own a mountain bike that actually gets used for what it was made for! YOU SHOULD try it some time. Just go out and get plastered with mud in your face on your jacket, your shoes get totally covered in it and your trousers are in need of a good dry clean! It’s way fun until you have to sit in it the rest of the day.....oh well, I love it!
What else....I have some pictures I'm going to be sending home here soon. I just have to go to Pop's (he's a member) and get my pictures transferred over to one of the microSD cards. Then you can have pictures. I'm also starting a new tape to send home so that should be done in about a month, with about a months worth of stuff on it. I guess it will also be a good Christmas present! Ohhh, and no, England doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving or any other holiday really. Although Halloween is becoming quite big out here! (go figure, free candy).
To answer your question – yes, our flat that I live in now is quite Posh! It is way nicer and way better than the one I was last in. By the way, yes, Elder Walker was there before me.
Well Mom and Dad I have to go. My time is up and as much as I would like to continue to answer your questions I can not go on. So just know there is more I will include on the next tape you get ;) I love you all, and I pray for you everyday. I love the Lord and this work and everyday I'm learning more and more how to rely on him. I have his arm to lean on when I need direction. I'm glad everyone over there is doing well. Keep me updated on family and friends. Especially Patrick’s mission call, which should be just around the corner.
Tra butt! -Elder Brooksby