Brett is doing a lot of traveling because his companion is the district leader. They end up making all sorts of trips to other areas of the mission for exchanges, interviews of baptismal candidates, and Zone Conference. All of the travel makes it challenging to stay within his budget. He said that he's beginning to understand why he needs a good education because life is expensive.
Brett also said that he wants to renew his drivers license by mail. Before he left he said he didn't want to worry about it. But now he's reconsidering. He said: "I heard that you have to retake a driving test, and I don't want to do that. It would take me forever to get that done especially since my sense of direction has been demolished since I've been here in the UK driving on the left side of the road!"
Brett also said that they are having a baptism of a 10 year-old boy either on Sunday or next week sometime with a waterside confirmation! He said they are doing the waterside confirmation so as to not postpone it two weeks because of General Conference! He said he's SO excited for that! He also said they have two more potential baptisms coming up.
Brett said that they went to the early church historical sites for his last Zone Conference. He had been there last year, but said it was fun to be with all the other missionaries.
Here are the pictures he sent:
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hello from Wales!
We got a letter from Brett today. It's always great to hear from him.
Once again he is with a companion that will be going home in a month. But Brett is really focused on working hard and continuing to tract.
He also said that his roommate from BYU-I has received his mission call to Auckland, New Zealand and that he was very excited for him.
This p-day is only a half p-day because tomorrow is Zone Conference and they will be going to Gadfeild Elm, Bimbo farm and the place in the Brecon Beacons - the highest point in the land roundabout. It’s where they had a conference in the early days of the church and where they decided to publish the hymnal in Britain! I can tell Brett's been out awhile because this will be his second trip to those places. He went shortly after arriving in Britain in June of 2008.
Brett was glad to see the "back to school" pictures we took of Jared and Lauren the day school started. He was surprised that Lauren had so many of his former middle school teachers. He thinks they are both looking much older than he remembered.
He ended by saying: "Well that’s it for me this week. I'll close mine epistle to you. I know this work is true and I couldn't be more happy doing it! Some days are harder than others. Some days I'm way tired, but it is soooo rewarding either way you go about it!"
Once again he is with a companion that will be going home in a month. But Brett is really focused on working hard and continuing to tract.
He also said that his roommate from BYU-I has received his mission call to Auckland, New Zealand and that he was very excited for him.
This p-day is only a half p-day because tomorrow is Zone Conference and they will be going to Gadfeild Elm, Bimbo farm and the place in the Brecon Beacons - the highest point in the land roundabout. It’s where they had a conference in the early days of the church and where they decided to publish the hymnal in Britain! I can tell Brett's been out awhile because this will be his second trip to those places. He went shortly after arriving in Britain in June of 2008.
Brett was glad to see the "back to school" pictures we took of Jared and Lauren the day school started. He was surprised that Lauren had so many of his former middle school teachers. He thinks they are both looking much older than he remembered.
He ended by saying: "Well that’s it for me this week. I'll close mine epistle to you. I know this work is true and I couldn't be more happy doing it! Some days are harder than others. Some days I'm way tired, but it is soooo rewarding either way you go about it!"
Friday, September 4, 2009
Okay - well in case you couldn't already figure it out, we had transfers. And since I'm able to write you at this time of day it means I'm not on the coach going to transfers in Birmingham. Soooo I lucked out and get to stay in the blessed town of Merthyr Tydfil for another little while! I'm sending another missionary home though.....I'll be sending Elder Forbes home, so that will be good. Although the one thing I don't like about being with missionaries as they end their mission is the fact that it make you a little bit trunky as well. And then it takes me a little while to figure things out again.
Well I'm glad you are enjoying your time in Utah, that sounds like a fun trip! I had kind of forgotten that Erin was due soooo soon. It's weird how fast time flies. I'm coimming up on my 16 month mark in just a few days! And that is crazy because that means I'll only have 8 months left.
Well today after I'm done e-mailing I'm going to a member hairdresser. He gives the missionaries free haircuts, and since I'm about due for another one I'm going to take advantage of that today!
I've got some pictures for you today! Lucky you!

The first one is one of my district. From the top left across then to the bottom left across: Sister Morris, Elder Forbes (DL), Elder Davis, Elder Nimer (ZL) Sister Winn, Me, Elder Hooper, Elder Wark (ZL). Then the next picture is pretty much the same except crazy! ;)

Well not much else is new. Just remember the next transfers is 6 weeks from today!
Well I'm loving the Welsh hills and the rain. But I'm not too big on the cold, but whatever!
Well I'll leave it at that! Have a fun week!
Love, Brett
Well I'm glad you are enjoying your time in Utah, that sounds like a fun trip! I had kind of forgotten that Erin was due soooo soon. It's weird how fast time flies. I'm coimming up on my 16 month mark in just a few days! And that is crazy because that means I'll only have 8 months left.
Well today after I'm done e-mailing I'm going to a member hairdresser. He gives the missionaries free haircuts, and since I'm about due for another one I'm going to take advantage of that today!
I've got some pictures for you today! Lucky you!
The first one is one of my district. From the top left across then to the bottom left across: Sister Morris, Elder Forbes (DL), Elder Davis, Elder Nimer (ZL) Sister Winn, Me, Elder Hooper, Elder Wark (ZL). Then the next picture is pretty much the same except crazy! ;)
Well not much else is new. Just remember the next transfers is 6 weeks from today!
Well I'm loving the Welsh hills and the rain. But I'm not too big on the cold, but whatever!
Well I'll leave it at that! Have a fun week!
Love, Brett
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