But no, when you look at the plate of food it's obvious that there's no bug in it. I think he's probably showing us something that he cooked in the crock pot we sent him. So after reading the e-mail for awhile I realized that "kill" means you're the last companion a missionary has before going home from their mission, and that was what Brett meant. Whew!
Brett said that his mission president "trusts me enough to not waste time or end up trunky, but to be able to see Elder Hart through his last days!" He also said that the two other elders that had been in their flat had been transferred, and made it sound like none replaced them.
Brett said that they were teaching an investigator named Michelle. He said "Her name is Michelle and every time I hear that name I think of you Mom! It’s great because I think to myself each time we teach her - if this were my Mom, how much would I want her to have and understand the gospel?"
He also said they're teaching so many good people. He said "The Lord is really blessing us right now! It just goes to show that when you’re humble the Lord can work with you, but when you're stiff-necked ... and let pride run your life you don't seem to reap anything! And I guess in that respect I've learned loads!"
Brett mentioned that they were having lovely 80° weather there, and because it was so nice they could do loads of things. He said that he was going to replace his brake pads on his bike, but assured us that his bike would last for another 13 months. He said "And because its an old mans bike no one will want to steal it. But to be on the safe side I have gotten into a better habit of locking it anywhere and everywhere!"
Here's the other picture Brett sent of their last baptism.