I think that’s a great title and I hope the attached pictures describe exactly how this last week has been for me.

This is of me holding the Going to Court booklet (I’ll explain later)

So first off I have sent the letter today explaining why I didn’t send them over the last two weeks.... Also I spent money out of the account because here’s the story - One night we were riding our bikes to go tracting and I was right in front of an old folks home when I felt the chain lurch a little bit. Then all a sudden I felt a bump in my tire, and a loud explosion and boom. The inner tube was gone. It had blown clean through. I got off the bike and muttered some words that ought not to be muttered again and looked around to see two of the old folks home workers hiding behind the giant rubbish bin cowering because they thought it was a gun shot! I then came out and said everything’s alright it’s just that my bike tire blew out and everything else is fine. They were relived. My adrenaline was flowing because not only did it scare them, but it scared the pants off me as well! So not only did the inner tube blow but also the wall on the tire itself! So that being said, maybe there was a max number of patches you’re allowed to have on one tube? I don’t know, all I know is I was unhappy and I had to buy a new tube and a new tire. So that’s where the money has gone. Also my alarm clock broke so I have to go into town today and get a new one. I don’t know why it broke, the battery is not the issue, it's the clock....go figure.
Also, I have to go to court.....as a witness to a crime here in Wolverhampton. And Elder Walker has to come up from Swindon too, so we will both witness in court. There is no way around it either. It’s really no big deal. It’s just that we witnessed a theft when a guy tried to sell us some video games when we were out on the street talking with a member. The guy had them stuffed down his sleeves which Elder Walker and I thought was pretty dodgy. Come to find out they were stolen from that member's home and the guy knew the member and was trying to sell him back his own games. Go figure. We have to go to Wolverhampton magistrate court on February 13th to testify. What an experience! How many missionaries get to go to court on their mission?
Justin is carrying out his New Year’s resolution 100% perfectly. He writes a letter to his brother and I each week! I like hearing about his mission and things he has to say as well. Okay the last two pictures are of names Justin puts for the sender address. I have tons more names but those are just a few I liked!

Okay - I love you and I'm thankful for the support you give. Thanks for the post. I'm sorry mine hasn’t gotten there on time. Hopefully it will come in a few days! I’m being 100% obedient so God can bless me. Anyways, I love you all and look forward to hearing from you! Don’t worry about me too much I'm in good hands! Talk with you soon!!!! Bye Now!